As parents of Soccer players within LA Premier FC you are allowing us access to your child’s life. We want to make sure the environment we are creating within our structure is enhanced by your presence. We have put together a range of articles which should help enhance your child’s participation within our club.
Parents are not only supporters of their sons and/or daughters they also are role models whose actions reflect on and influence the player, the team and the club. LA Premier FC parents are expected to:
- Remember that the game is for your player, not for you
- See to it that players attend all possible team functions such as practices, games, events and meetings. Help your player meet these obligations
- Set an example of good and fair conduct and good sportsmanship
- Allow the coach to direct the play of the game
- Be your child’s biggest fan – win, lose or draw
- Remember that in five hours or five years little will be remembered of the score of the game or who the winner was
- Remember that your child’s soccer career is a long term growth process and not an end unto itself
- Contribute meaningful communication, planning and understanding in order to avoid or minimize conflicts
- Take the initiative to teach your child to speak up and communicate for themselves
- Conform to the rules established by the team, the coach and the club
Parents play a critical role in all facets of their child’s development. LA Premier FC encourages you to support your child’s interest in the game in a manner that supports the spirit of sport and fair play. For the purposes of this club and the positive impact you can have on your child’s experience, LA Premier FC would like you to consider the following recommendations:
Communicate responsibly and in the spirit of the game
- Be your child’s best fan and support your child unconditionally. Do not withdraw your love when your child performs below their standard
- On transporting your child home, please be supportive and always place primary focus on the positive aspects of their game
- Parents must not coach from the sideline during matches and training
- Refrain from criticizing your child’s performance — rely on the coach to offer constructive criticism in support of your child’s development
- Do not criticize the coach. If you find yourself unhappy with the coach you should approach the coach to discuss the problem
- Support all the players on your child’s team, do not criticize any player
- Do not criticize the opponents, their parents, coaches or the referee
Nurture Independence and Responsibility
- Make it your child’s responsibility to pack their own uniform in their soccer bag, to clean their soccer cleats and to bring their own water bottle
- If it is appropriate, please have your child communicate directly with the coach about issues, concerns, conflicts or simply missing upcoming practices or games
- Players should be reminded to take responsibility for their own performance and to not place blame on others
- Allow your child the freedom to practice with his or her team without your active presence and evaluation. If you must stay at the field, please find something else to do. You will provide your child with another opportunity to behave independently of your scrutiny
- This "responsibility taking" is a significant part of maturing. Your child’s handling of these tasks on and off the field complete his "ownership" of all aspects of being a soccer player
Parent Sportsmanship Agreement
Your coach kindly asks your cooperation in abiding by the rules and guidelines which players, coaches, referees and spectators are required to follow.
In order to help us provide a fun and positive experience for everyone, LA Premier FC asks that you sign the following agreement:
- I WILL BE POSITIVE — I will express support and encouragement for my child and my child’s teammates in a manner such as "nice pass" or "good job".
- I WILL RESPECT THE COACH — I will support the coach and help out when asked. I understand that any coaching or instructions from the parent’s side of the field is not allowed. I will let the coach do the coaching without my interference. All players and parents should adhere to a 48 hour post match cooling off period before communicating with a coach.
- I WILL RESPECT THE REFEREE — I will give respect before, during and after the game to the referee. I will refrain from criticizing referees. I will accept official decisions without anger no matter how unfair they may seem.
- I WILL RESPECT CLUB OFFICIALS — I understand that soccer has rules and guidelines, such as player placement on a team and recruitment of players, and all decisions are based on those rules and guidelines
- I WILL BE A GOOD SPORT — By my example I will teach my child good sportsmanship toward the opposing team and parents as well as respect for the property owned by others and leased by the club.
- I WILL RECOGNIZE THE VALUE AND IMPORTANCE OF OUR VOLUNTEERS — coaches, referees and club officers give their time and resources to provide a complete soccer experience for my child
- I WILL ACCEPT THE CONSEQUENCES IF I BEHAVE IMPROPERLY — these consequences may include being told by the referee to leave the field, suspension from attending games, the coach being disciplined by the referee
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Parent/Guardian Signature Date
Printed name of Parent/Guardian